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gLUA engine details

Garrysmod uses NOT lua, but lua-jit.

This can be confirmed via benchmarks and also the available jit commands like:

This means that the "2 - Lua Performance Tips" pdf and the lua-users "Optimisation Tips" articles are not always correct.

For some benchmarks between lua and lua-jit you can visit

gLUA is lua-jit expanded with a few custom functions. That's why others and myself call it "gLUA", because it has noticable differences to other lua implementations.
A good rule of thumb for detecting custom garrysmod lua functions and default lua functions: If the function of a module, e.g. math.Distance, starts with a capital letter then it is a custom garrysmod function.

  • math.log, math.random ; inbuilt, default lua functions
  • math.Rand, math.Clamp ; garrysmod lua functions

gLUA is also single-threaded and the main execution thread of the gmod "runtime".
If you run a very expensive function in a for loop on a client then the game becomes unresponsive and freezes.
If you have unoptimised functions on a server then the whole server is going to lag.

As far as I know:
If the server receives a http response or a net message it will put them in a queue and execute them during the next tick.
This means that if 20 players send a net message at the same time the server will execute the net.Receive function 20 times in the next tick, which could create a stutter or small lag (=teleport back) for players if it takes a long time. This is because of the serial nature of the source engine and glua.

The binding of source engine to LUA is done via hooks.
The source engine calls a hook, e.g. serversided PlayerSay, whenever such an event, e.g. a player sends a chat message, happens ingame.
This also means, if a hook runs way too long and gets called very often, that the engine waits for the response and thus starts to lag. This can be easily observed if you have a very long sql.Query in a net.Receive function on the server: The whole server freezes until the database returns the result. (This problem happened with luctus_logs in the beginning but is fixed since beta)

Max RAM usage

This was tested on a 32bit installation of garry's mod.
Random strings were assigned in a loop until gmod returned [ERROR] not enough memory errors when assigning more variables.
All these values are the return value of collectgarbage("count") which is the "kilobytes of memory used by Lua". (quoted from the wiki)

  • SV: ~2.372.236
  • CL: ~2.523.367

These are the values where any new assignment returns a "not enough memory" error.
A manual garbage collection will not help in these situations as the GC runs regularly anyways.